名古屋大学 学生支援本部

Kenichi SUZUKI

Kenichi SUZUKI

My sensei taught me that in the university years, transformation from being a “consumer of knowledge” to a “producer of knowledge” takes place. In the same way, until your high school years, you have been told to accomplish things on your own without relying on your parents, but in your university years, you are required to change the channel to a style in which you can be “independent while being moderately dependent” on your parents, faculty and staff, seniors, friends, and juniors. Learning how to be “moderately dependent” can be a difficult task despite its simplicity. Counselors work to help you to adjust such a balance.

Interpersonal Psychoanalysis

Clinical Psychology

Recent boom and hobby

Japanese Sake of Kanazawa, Shochu of Kumamoto, bourbon of New York