Peer Supporter
Supporters for student campus life
Senior student supporters give advises and share their experiences, and sometimes just chatter with students who have some troubles and worries about university life. They also answer for you questions through “Peer-suppost” which you can put in your questions about campus life and “Tsubuyaki” (means whisper) Notebook which you can wirite your questions. There are also “Kokoro-no-syohosen” which contains the message from suppoters and sometimes events!
Day and Time
Wednesday 13:00-16:00
Room 309 in Shared Facilities Building on Higashiyama Campus
Student Supporters “air”
Student Supporters consist of Nagoya University students who have registered as supporters to help students with disabilities, and are active in two main areas: supporting the activities of the Ability Support Center and peer support activities. We also hold a voluntary study group called “Sign Language de Lunch.
The Ability Support Center
Career Supporter
This is a student organization authorized by the Career Support Center. Seniors who have already decided on a career path support job hunting activities for students by drawing on their own experiences.
The support group is active during the fall semester. They provide online and in-person counseling on job hunting.
Day and Time
Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 14:45-16:15
Central Library or Student Support Building (depending on the day of the week)